Red Carpet Questions
What advice would you give your younger self?
What’s your favorite sports team?
If you were president what’s the first thing you would do?
What woman deserves a biopic about her life that hasn’t been made yet?
If you could change one thing for women in the entertainment industry, what would it be?
What is your responsibility as a celebrity to improve the world around you? how do you encourage actions in others?
How do you keep yourself positive and motivated?
What song do you listen to that psyches you up and makes you feel strong?
What is your role in ending unrealistic body ideals & body shaming?
What’s the most intellectually challenging role you’ve ever had? What role has grown you into a better person?
In an industry so focused on appearance and often filled with rejection, how do you combat self-doubt?
What advice would you give to young girls from all around the world?
If you could have lunch with one influential woman, who would it be?
What’s the biggest risk you’ve taken that you feel has paid off?
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
What potential do filmmakers and characters have to make change in the world?
If you could play any character in any movie who would it be?
What’s your favorite tv show?
What has been your biggest career challenge so far?
What’s your goal for this year?
Have you ever considered branching out into directing or screenwriting?
Who is your favorite director to work with and why?
What made you take this role?
What’s the stupidest question you’ve ever been asked on the red carpet?
What is the best piece of career advice someone has given to you?
What’s your favorite book?
How did you start believing in your own work and talent?
What prominent female entertainment figure would make a great late night host of a talk show and why?
What is the most meaningful project you have done? What would your dream project be?
How do you think the film industry could better portray the lives, struggles and joys of real women?
What’s one dream you’ve achieved that your most proud of and why?
If you could go back in time, what advice would you give to your younger self?
Who is your favorite female lead of all time and why?
Name a charity you are passionate about and explain why it matters to you. How do you show your support?
Tell me about a time you were faced with insurmountable odds, yet persevered to overcome.
What is one thing you do when you’re feeling stuck creatively?
What qualities should girls be looking for in their role models in the media?
What should every woman know how to do?
Is there a character in fiction or literature you dream of playing?